Saturday, January 15, 2011


You can't beat a Saturday morning at home, can you?  There are a number of things that the leftist labor movements and I disagree on, but I will march lockstep with them through the square protesting anyone who wants to take away my five day work week.  Actually, I am thankful to the Lord for giving me the opportunity to be lazy on a Saturday. After all, He did say six days shalt thou work.  Hmm. So maybe I'm to be doing some kind of work, even if it's not at my J.O.B.

The truth is, I do get a bunch of stuff done around the house that I don't get to during the week.  The fam gets more of my time as well (which I'm sure they're thrilled about).  I have "take down Xmas lights" on my list, but it's cold outside (for Missouri) so I probably won't do that today.  I'm also trying to replicate a stool my Dad made when he was in high school, but I need some cedar, so I won't do that either.  I will probably run and workout.

I've found that running when the temps are in the low twenties isn't that bad.  I've actually gotten warm while running in that weather. You have to be careful not to wear too much, no matter how cold you feel when you step outside.  Today's run will have the added challenge of ice, snow, and half melted slush on the street. After the run I'll hit the weights, with my fist, because they won't let me lift as much as I want. Seriously, I look a little like Spongebob when I lift. My arms get all wavy and my eyeballs come out of my head.

OK, my mug is empty, so I need to get a refill.  I hope your once weekly day in honor of that great ringed planet will be as fun as mine. God bless!

Saturday morn and my house:

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