Saturday, July 10, 2010

This is It

Tomorrow is the umpteenth running of the Shawnee Mission Triathlon, and I'll be running, along with biking and swimming, though not in that order.

All the training is done. I may be in the best shape of my life, or in at least as good of shape as I've ever been.  I'm down to 156 pounds, which is where I hovered throughout most of my time in the Navy when I was 21-25 years old.  My training consisted of free weights, running two or three times a week, swimming a couple of times a week, and biking a couple of times a week. In total it added up to about an hour a day on average.  I took Sundays off.  I didn't change my diet one iota. I'm not exactly a glutton, and I don't live on junk food, but I pretty much ate what I wanted.

People keep asking me, "Are you ready?"  To which I say, "I guess."  Like I said way back when I decided to run, I won't be competitive.  However, I hope to turn in a respectable time.  I'd like to finish in the 25th percentile of my age group, but I have no idea what kind of time that would be.

For more info, and maybe even some race results later, check back here.

Swim .62 miles, bike 18 miles, run 4.5 miles. Pray for me.

1 comment:

  1. Do well. You are an inspiration. Not that you inspired me to do anything. But definitely to think about doing something.

