Monday, December 12, 2011

Quoth the Raven

Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December

That's what the famous 19th century triathlete E. A. Poe said when his quirky training partner, a black bird, flew in his window wearing those ridiculous yellow bike shorts, and said "Nevermore sitting around here crying over old girlfriends. Let's go running!"

As you remember from lit class, Edgar had a morbid fear of training in December. As do I. Why? It's cold, dark, and feels just like a coffin. That's why I call December my off-season.

During my off-season I lift, weights. Last year I had a hard time squatting. Wait, what was I talking about? Anyways, to help me with my squat I built this:

Yes, that's my finger on the left.

No, not a garage, a weight rack. This bad boy lets me squat to my pants content. It features safety rails for when I get stupid and load up more weight than my raven legs can handle. I can lower the safety rails and bench inside there as well. The other nice thing is I can do chin-ups from the top rail.

There's another angle. The carriage bolts in the front hold my bar for when I'm doing the military press.

OK, enough for now. Perhaps the next time I'll tell you about my effort to sandblast my bike.

Take thy beak from out my heart...


  1. Great addition to the home gym! Me and squats don't get along either.

  2. I hate the long, dark days of winter. I find forcing myself to maintain some semblance of a workout routine keeps me sane. No reason I can't ride the trainer, swim in the heated pool, and run with a headlamp. No excuses.

  3. Hey, thanks for the comments! I appreciate that. Rachel, when I first started looking for triathlon blogs to read a couple of years ago, yours was the first I came across and have been reading ever since. Thank you.

