Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Body Soup

The pool where I swim has at least six rules, I assume. I'm sure they have rules like "No Running," "No Diving," and "Speedo Must Fit Properly." But the only rule they post is Pool Rule # F, which says, "ALL SWIMMERS MUST SHOWER OFF BEFORE ENTERING THE WATER".

I don't know what Pool Rules #s A-E are, but I do know I'm supposed to "shower off" before jumping in the chlorine. And yes, it bothers me that they list it as "# F". Why not just "Pool Rule F"?

Though the syntax irritates me, I'm quite pedantic, so I always adhered to Pool Rule # F and showered before swimming. Then, dripping wet and freezing, I'd walk through the lobby to the pool (yes, you have to go through the lobby area to get to the pool from the lockers).

Then I noticed that hardly any of the regular, long time swimmers were showering. They said Pool Rule # F that and sauntered right to the pool and jumped in. It became apparent that Pool Rule # F was not enforced.

I think I know why THE MANAGEMENT would adopt Pool Rule # F. I assume it has to do with hygiene. The pool is not the bath tub. I personally wish everyone would "shower off", though I seriously doubt it's efficacy.

Sadly, I joined the crowd and quit showering before my swim as well. I'm embarrassed by that, but I'm a lot less inconvenienced. I think about it, though, every time I get a mouthful of water. Where else has this water been? Maybe that shower is a good idea (especially for everybody else).

Well, none of it is hurting my swim any. I took a minute and a half off of my 1100 yard swim today. My goal is to do it in twenty minutes. That may not be realistic for me, but that's where I'd like to be.

What do you think of showering before hitting the pool? (Oh, BTW, though I shower thoroughly after I get home, I still smell like chlorine the rest of the day.)


  1. I think all pools have the shower before you enter the pool rule. Though, not as #F. What is that anyway. Either commit to numbers or alphabets but not both! Anyway, I don't see very many people shower so I really don't think anyone enforces the rule.

    Congrats on your improved swim times! We are going to become great swimmers!

  2. looks like you could use some more followers, so HERE I AM ! anyone that runs under 5 minute miles, I need to follow, by necessity

  3. Hey, thanks for the comments! Just to be up front, I don't actually run a sub 5 mile. In fact, I've found that my legs literally won't move that fast.

  4. Yeah, not many people I see are showering at my pool, and I swim 3 times a week. I certainly don't, neither do the water-workout ladies - and I wish they would - they come wafting in to the pool area with all their powders and perfumes - like they were going to a dress-up dance. Hard to stomach when you're 1500 yards into a 2700 yard workout...

