Time to blog.
Send me all the money you can if you'd like to invest in my new business venture. I will soon start a company that gives Roman history tours through Europe, Asia, and Africa. We'll see Rome, Pompeii, Hadrian's Wall, Masada, Alexandria, etc. And you'd better believe we'll be crossing the Rubicon (never mind that no one knows where that's at now). I'll use your investment money to first see all of these places myself. Then later, once my company is formed, I'll apply that amount toward your first tour. It'll be epic!
I have discovered the skeptical podcasts. I'm not providing any links, you already know how to search iTunes. Anyway, these skeptics' podcasts are very interesting, and as a reformed Christian, I can say amen to about 98% of what I hear on them.
The skeptics rail against astrology, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture, psychics, ESP, communicating with the dead, belief in UFOs, belief in ghosts, and a bunch of other nonsense. This is all stuff I don't believe either. They also dismiss faith healers and other miracle workers. Again, I'm still in their camp.
I may be a Christian, but I've never witnessed a miracle. Not even a little one. Keep in mind, my miracle standards are pretty high. For me to call it a miracle it has to be somewhere on the order of what Jesus or the Old Testament prophets did; the blind see, the lame walk, deformed limbs made whole, the dead return. I haven't seen even one of those things happen. So when I hear of someone saying that someone somewhere performed a miracle, I become skeptical. I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm just saying I doubt it.
The skeptics and I do part ways in some places. For instance, they don't seem very skeptical about evolution. They are quite certain that this process they've never observed is a fact. I will come a lot closer to believing in evolution when two things happen. One, give me an adequate answer to the question, where did matter come from? Two, create life in the lab. Since we're so sure how life came about way back however many billions of years ago, do it in the lab. It shouldn't be that hard, really.
Anyways, enough of that. If you're skeptical that I won't have a really great time with your investment money, don't be.
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