Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Trust the Government

Here is the preamble to that House bill 3200, you know, the one that will solve all of our health care problems:

"To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes."

  • Affordable. For who? Services received by anyone on the government plan will be paid an Medicare rates. That's where the government tells you how much you'll be paid for providing care. But be careful, if you provide more care than the government says the patient needs, you won't be paid at all. Medicare rates are meant to cover costs, and Medicare gets to say what the cost is. And it's not like the Medicare system is rolling in cash. The free market is on life support.
  • Quality. If more services are paid at Medicare rates, providers will see revenues drop. How many businesses do you know of where when you pay less, you get more?
  • Reduce...spending. Uh? I thought we were all about spending! What's the stimulus package then?
  • And for other purposes. This one's my favorite. Spend 10 minutes reading the monster bill and you'll see things in there that make you wonder why the government cares, and even if it did, how in the world will it ever manage or oversee it all without creating this huge, bloated bureaucracy that will become involved in our every health care decision...oh wait.

The government's got to get out. Reform the tort laws. Let medical insurance be insurance, not a pre-paid medical plan. Providers should make it clear what services will cost, ahead of time. Health care is not a right. Let the free market live.

If you feel that this blog is providing misinformation about the health care bill, feel free to report it to the White House.

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