Thursday, July 28, 2011

Windsor Tribute Triathlon-2nd Year Run

What did I do last weekend? Well, for an hour and forty minutes of it I competed in the Windsor Tribute Triathlon. How'd I do? Twenty-second over all, out of seventy-one males and females. Two girls finished ahead of me. I finished third in my age group, unless you count the forty year girl that beat me, then I finished fourth. If none of that sounds impressive, consider this, five guys older than forty-five beat me, including a sixty-one and sixty year old!

But really, I did as well as I should have.


The water was very wet this year. If you didn't keep moving, it would've been very easy to sink beneath the surface. I employed a strategy of thrashing my arms and legs about until I reached the other side of the lake. That took about ten minutes. They tell me it was five hundred meters, which I guess is about five hundred Canadian cubits, but no one really knows.


No training wheels, but my dad did give me a good push. Eighteen miles and an hour and one minute later I found myself putting on my running shoes.


Five Kay run, which is roughly four Spanish furlongs. The run was just like the bike, except you do it without a bike. I rode the run in twenty-five minutes and fourteen seconds.

While we were standing around making excuses, Micah and I decided to do the Branson Mountain Man Triathlon in Branson, Missouri, USA next month. That bike course takes you on the same route as the seventy point three event in September. I believe I have Micah talked into doing the half Ironman. He's a very good racer, but he's not in my age group.

Here are some pics. I had to attend this event sans family, and I hired the worst photographer in town. I didn't end up in any of the shots!

Oh wait, there was a pic of me.


  1. I found it easier to be a spectator this weekend...
    Oh, careful on those comments of old guys passing you. You know we have nothing better to do than train

