Yes, I stepped on the scale this morning after an uncomfortable six mile run, and it read 149.5! When I got my first driver's license in 1980 something at the tender and innocent age of sixteen, I weighed 140 pounds. I know because I still have the license around here somewhere. Whenever I come across it I'm reminded why I never feel nostalgic about high school. That's the mug I had to contend with? With that thought in mind, and the fact that I'm only nine and half pounds from high school, I enjoyed a 20 ounce bottle of Coke today.
Speaking of enjoying things, I contended with other triathletes last Saturday during the Windsor Tribute Triathlon. That part was fun, but I consumed one of those Gatorade Prime deals before hand, and then I ate one of those Hammer goo packs at the start of the bike. They started warring with each other in my stomach and I really wish I could've evacuated them. If you're not familiar with the Gatorade Prime, it's a sloshier version of the Hammer goo stuff. Consult your doctor before you begin using any weird nutritional supplements.
Tomorrow I hope to ride a few miles, but I'll also need to do some work. It's nothing but hot and dry around here right now. I literally can't remember the last time I had to mow the grass. The reservoir is the lowest it's been since they dammed the river, probably. So if I'm going to ride, I should start around 4AM, that way it'll only be 89 degrees when I start. I better take some Gatorade.
So YOUR that guy (140#) that I have to compete against!!