Sunday, April 19, 2009

Positive Reinforcement

This year, 2009, was to the year I stayed positive. Specifically, I meant to not criticize others. That is proving very difficult. Just look at some of the posts on this blog.

The positive resolution is one I've made before. I truly want to be known as someone who speaks well of people, without being critical or denigrating, but the natural tendency is to speak evil and not good (at least mine is, you can speak for yourself).

The thing is, I really don't think of myself as being overly negative, but I know that is relative. I, and we all, know folks who complain, kvetch, and bellyache about every detail of their lives, and who can stand these people? It's a reaction against these fault finders I think that makes me want to ride the pendulum to the other side (man, that sounds negative).

(OK, I'm back. I played Old Maid with my kids and then watched The Flowers of St. Francis.)

You know who stayed positive? That St. Francis of Assisi. Wasn't it St. Francis that said, "Preach the Gospel at all times. When necessary, use words."? What is the Gospel but the Good News? Perhaps that's what I strive for, to tell the good news with my actions rather than the bad with my words.

One last thing. I really don't know what to expect from being positive. Will I be happier? More likable? Or will people find me strange? Pious? Oh well, I just think it's something I should do.

OK, here's to a positive rest of 2009! Salute!

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