Saturday, April 18, 2009

Cut the Fat/Build a Monorail

This is what I'm talking about. The President said he is going to direct his cabinet to find wasteful programs and cut them. Bravo! I applaud that effort. I'll give them a head start-federal funding of abortions (I should really get off that single cause lest I be labeled a right wing extremist terrorist).

The President, who wants to cut wasteful spending, announced he wants to spend $13 billion on high speed trains. I'm of the opinion that an industry that is highly subsidized by the government today should not be given $13 billion. Public transportation, as much as I've appreciated it when I've had the need for it, doesn't support itself at all.

I know there are probably dozens of subsidized programs that I've benefited from through the years, but this is a matter of principle for me. If a service cannot be supported by the free market, should I have to support it with my tax dollars? Should anyone? If something is truly needed, won't the free market find a way to provide it? I think so, assuming the government stays out of the way, or merely protects the rights of free people to make their own choices.

This notion of letting the free market work itself out is probably a little simplistic, but the alternative is a bunch of elected officials pretending they know best how to spend my money. They don't.

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