Friday, May 27, 2011

Crunch Time

Jimmy Fallon has an audience full of sailors and Marines. It's fleet week in NYC. I have fond memories of fleet week, but it seems like a million years ago. We didn't pay for one drink the whole time we were there. I'm sure the guys are receiving similar treatment this time around. Go Navy!

Crunch Time

Not that I do crunches much anymore. Rather I'm racing June 4th in the Sedalia Spring Into Summer Duathlon. That, then, begins my race season, and I don't feel at all ready. The funny thing is, however, I'm itching to race.

I have to hit the pool hard in June. I'm drowning in laziness, and my swim has hardly progressed. My favorite part about the upcoming duathlon? The part where you don't swim. I know why I'm so lazy about swimming; it's because Branson seems so far away, and I'm so sleepy in the mornings. But my wife and I made an agreement-she agrees to force me out of bed when the alarm goes off, and I agree to not drown.

The in-laws graciously took the kids this weekend for a while, so I hope to get in a long ride and maybe even a run tomorrow. I'd swim, but the pool isn't open for laps.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Well, thanks for your service even if it was the Navy! :) Just kidding, I am Army girl myself. I did 6 years. How long were you in?

    Have a great weekend of training!

