Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Entry Fees-Make It Worth It

I was speaking with a fellow at the gym the other day. He said he planned on competing in fifteen triathlons this year. I said something about entry fees and he said that the bank where he works sponsors him and covers his entry fees. That's good for him! The rest of us have to go to the bank and withdraw some of our own money to cover the entry fee.

Actually, the entry fees I've paid seem quite reasonable to me. When you factor in the number of participants and the risks involved with putting on this type of race, $60 to $80 doesn't seem unreasonable. The Branson 70.3 race is a little more, but I can stomach that since it's a real Ironman event. However, even with those prices, I can't do it every weekend until the not-for-profit hospital where I work starts paying my entry fees.

Part of getting in on USAT sanctioned events is buying a one day USAT license. It helps cover the insurance. Or, you can buy an annual license, which is $39 I believe, and then you don't have to pay $10 for the one day license.

For me, signing up early and paying the entry fee helps me get committed. I can say that if I hadn't already paid for the 70.3 in September it would be a lot easier to procrastinate and put off training. But dang it! I paid my money, I can't back out now.

You may have a lot of reasons to not sign up for a triathlon, but don't let the entry fee be one of them. Paying it may be what gets you motivated to train.

1 comment:

  1. Have you asked your hospital to sponsor you?

