Thursday, October 7, 2010

Been Lazy

Every once in a while I have to "start working-out again." This week's been one of those times.  I haven't done much since the Hermann Cross, and I wasn't very active before that.  So I need some motivation here.

Since I've started reading blogs by triathletes and racers, I've seen a number of them quit.  Some have quit blogging, and some have quit racing.  You'll be going along, looking for the next post, and then all of a sudden they'll write something like, "Well, when I started this I wanted to...but now it's kind of a chore and not fun anymore, soooo, goodbye."

For me, when my motivation for working-out or whatever wanes, its because my motivation in general is waning.  I wouldn't call it dysthymia, which I understand is long term. I'd call it short term dysthymia. I can't even stay motivated about being depressed.

My goals are to weight train for the rest of the year, and throw in some running if possible. At the beginning of the year I want to hit the water and finally learn to swim.  I'd love to fit some long rides in there somewhere on warmer, dry Saturdays throughout the Fall if I can find any. When Spring roles around I want to pick up training in earnest and hit a couple more triathlons over the Summer. If they hold the 70.3 event in Branson again next year, I'll sign up. That'll give me something to train for.

One last thing. I'm recruiting an adventure race team.  What's an adventure race?  This is from the USARA website:

Adventure Racing offers an easy crossover for cyclist, runners and water sport enthusiasts just to mention a few. Adventure races can vary anywhere from 2-5 person teams, with some events now offering solo categories. The disciplines can also vary from race to race. Adventure racing can include shredding through tight single track on a mountain bike or orienteering and hiking through a dense forest. Adventure racers may find themselves ripping down rapids in a canoe and then rappelling off a 100 foot rock face. The races can last a few hours or several days and can cover 10 - 100 miles or more!

Sound fun? Let's do it!

And now, a toast. To staying motivated!

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