OK, there were eight riders, in the beginner men's race. But I was pleased as punch to get that fourth place. Again, I show up with the only bike that costs less than $250. And I'm not talking about the frame. I'm talking the whole bike. There was one other guy that had "regular" pedals. The rest of them had their fancy clipless pedals and actual 'cross bikes. I had a Schwinn.
They started the beginner men, and then thirty seconds later they started the nine beginner women. Two of the women beat all of the men. I finished behind the fourth place girl. That was Saturday.
I was supposed to race Sunday as well, but Saturday night the park flooded, so they canceled Sunday's race. Dang it! After it started raining I was looking forward to racing in the mud.
It was fun while it lasted, though once or twice I thought my heart was going to explode.
Later, my wife and I made an evening of it and ate German food and sampled Hermann.
Now, here are some pics.