Friday, February 18, 2011

Smoovy-The Healthiest Post-Workout Smoothie Yet

You would not be a real pretend athlete if you failed to advocate the perfunctory post-workout blended concoction known in North America as the smoothie.  For all I know it's also known as a smoothie in Asia, but it's impossible to translate that language into Americanish. I suspect, however, that "smoothie" is a concept recognized only by people who have too much real food to eat and have to invent ways to get more silken tofu into their diets.

Be forewarned. If you workout so hard that the only hope of recovery is to consume a pureed, pre-digested looking slurry, then you will need to drive to town and get your shopping done beforehand.  They don't sell whey-protein, bee pollen, or soy powder at your local market. Well, maybe they do, but they're probably in the same isle as the kotex, and I don't go that way.

So, is it important to eat something immediately after a workout? I don't know, I guess.  Your recovery and development probably have more to do with the total calories consumed each day, but if you believe that slurping a blended drink before the sweat dries is the key to optimal enhancement of your body, then who am I to disabuse you of that notion.

Since I am a pretend real athlete, I offer to you the smoovest smoovie recipe available on the entire internet today.  Here are the ingredients:

  • 1 blender
  • milk (I don't know, like two or three cups)(no, the kind in the plastic jug, preferably with the red cap)
  • some blueberries, frozen, or strawberries, or peaches(no, just buy a few, cut them up, and throw them in the freezer)(keep 'em separate until they're frozen; they're very hard to separate if they freeze together)
  • some of that strawberry syrup you use to make strawberry milk
  • my wife's homemade yogurt
  • a couple three spoons of sugar (what? no, the white granulated kind that comes in a bag)

Use blender to get all the other ingredients all blendy. Enjoy!

OK, the my wife's homemade yogurt is optional since it would be very expensive for you to buy.  For a few more calories, substitute the sugar for some of that Carnation Instant Breakfast. Vanilla works best, and it is delicious. Keep practicing until you get the consistency you like.

I have no doubt that you will win many races by working out and drinking my smoovy. You're welcome.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Workout Routine

For the last couple of days I have taken on a new workout routine. It goes by a few different names, but I call it "snow shoveling."

It's definitely not for everyone.  For instance, if you live very far south of the Mason Dixon you will find it hard to get in on this exercise.

You don't need a lot of equipment, just a snow shovel, or for more advanced athletes, some other kind of shovel normally used to move dirt. The set up is a little tricky, though. First, get a lot of snow to fall on the ground. Second...well, there's really just one step to the set up.  After you get the snow on the ground, go shovel it off. It's as simple as that.  Be warned! It's not for the faint of heart. Literally. This exercise is known to cause heart attacks!

I was tempted to put on my heart rate monitor when I went out this morning to dig out my truck, but I didn't. Still, the shoveling I've done over the last couple of days has been my workout.  There ought to be some kind of shoveling olympics. I'm getting ready!

The Straight and Narrow

The Goal

The Way Home

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Because Snowpocalypse, Snowmaggedon, and Blizzapalooza were taken.

Left work and it was slow going, plowing through snow.  I have a Ford Ranger. It's rear-wheel drive and hates the snow, like one of those little dogs that people keep in their apartments.

Literally 150 yards from my house the truck got stuck. It appeared only one other vehicle had been down my street all day, and the accumulated precipitation was just too much for my little Ford.  So my wife and son came out and we shoveled a couple of paths for my wheels just to get the truck up to my drive. The drive is like a 20% grade, or steeper, so I'll save that for another day.

When I'm out shoveling snow just to get my truck down the street, there's two questions I start asking:

Where's my government assistance?
Where's my global warming?

At any rate, here are some pics.
