After we'd toured the Samuel Adams brewery, we got to chatting with a fellow at the Stony Brook station. He'd been through the tour with us and was heading back downtown. He was from Tennessee, but he was in town because of some function at his kid's school. Turned out he had one kid at Harvard, another at Boston College, and his third was set to go to Stanford. I fell on my knees and cried, "Teach me!"
I personally know a few other fathers whose adult kids have all turned out well. Maybe they didn't all go to Harvard, but they all grew up and are leading productive, happy lives. One example is our Sunday School teacher. He has three seemingly well adjusted grown kids who are all doing well, but the thing that strikes me about them is they all attend our Sunday School class. This tells me that they've all embraced their father's faith, and respect him so that they continue to listen to his instruction.
That's all I want. Well, that, and all my kids to attend a fine college.
Thanks, Dad, for pointing me in the right direction. And thanks to all those father's for proving that you can raise kids that manage to stay out of jail and still come around once they're grown. God bless you.